Friday, December 14, 2012

A sad Friday.............Connecticut school shooting

On days like today, of which our nation has had far too many, I cherish the knowledge that my children are at home with me.
Even on the tough days, I am SO thrilled to teach them at home.
It is a privilege I do not wish to take for granted.

First day of school 2012
Learning to knit on Christmas morning 2011
Levi working on a family tree
Evan's first Cub Scout Pack Meeting
Ava as Kirsten (American Girl)
Mad scientist Levi
Bibleman Evan with his sword of Truth
Seeding a Chia Turtle (that never grew)
I sure do love those kiddos.
And I'm grateful to get to tuck them in bed one more time tonight.
I can only imagine how the heart's of those families ache who had to say goodbye to their children today.  I pray God overwhelms their grief with his unending love.

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